The Livingstons

The Livingstons

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What's New?

Well, not a whole lot has been going on these past few days. But I must say that I've hung out with Greg every day this week. It's been a lot of fun. I love his roommates. They all play Super Smash Brothers (occasionally I play too), but two of them, Kedrick and Casey, get sooo into the game! They yell at each other and make hilarious comments during the course of their playing. They told me that they were so loud, even the people down below them had to come up and tell them to try to be more quiet. I seriously LOVE it. I will sit there and crack up at them the whole time.

On the more serious side though of going over to their apartment, Greg and I have had some really good talks. We talk about classes, church/doctrinal things, our families, our hobbies, our traits, etc. He is someone that I can tell anything to. It is so easy to talk to him. Tonight he is coming over as well to "study and do homework", but the good thing is, my roommates all really like him a lot. I'm way excited :]


  1. I think I need a bit more information regarding the quotations around "study and do homework". haha :0) Be good!! Ok, all joking aside, he sounds like a nice boy. Just take your time...everything is butterflies and rainbows when you first meet someone!! hehe

    Glad to hear you are loving college so much! It's fun reading your blog, so keep it up! We love you and miss you Sam!

  2. cute picture above... and I just found out that the greg you are referring to is my cousin's friend haha... what a small world because he has been to Garden Grove before and stayed at my house with my cousin. haha have fun and enjoy every moment of college!!

  3. i know! kassie texted me and told me about that. and greg and i talked about it too. he said he thinks he went to church while he was down at your house.
